$85.00 CAD
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Originale carte,gravure de cuivre colorée, par Abraham Ortelius de l'Atlas de poche:'Épitome theatri Orteliani. Nova...
$625.00 CAD
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Visually appealing map illustrating the voyage of Magellan from Spain, through the Straits of Magellan...
$40.00 CAD
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'Levée du Siege d'Arras Le 25 d'Août en l'Année 1654, par les Marécheaux DeTurenne, De...
$40.00 CAD
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'Plan de la bataille de Sintzheim donnée le 16 juin 1674, Entre l'Armée de France,...
$40.00 CAD
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'Plan des Différens Camps du Vicomte de Turenne & du Comte de Montecuculli Dans l'Ortnaw,...
$325.00 CAD
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Large-size hand-colored map of Canaan before its conquest by the Israelites. Created by Willem Bachiene,...
$125.00 CAD
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Hand-coloured map of the Hudson Bay area of Northern Canada. Shows Fort Prince of Wales...
$250.00 CAD
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Hand-coloured map of the St. Lawrence river from Anticosti Island and Gaspé peninsula to Quebec...
$200.00 CAD
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Hand-coloured map of the Hudson Bay area of Northern Canada. Shows Hudson Bay, James Bay,...
$245.00 CAD
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Map of the St. Lawrence river from Anticosti Island and Gaspé peninsula to Quebec City....
$250.00 CAD
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Map of the St. Lawrence river from Quebec City to the west end of Lake...
$375.00 CAD
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Inside decorative cartouche: ...
$375.00 CAD
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Inside decorative cartouche: ...
$325.00 CAD
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Inside decorative cartouche: Carte de...
$300.00 CAD
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Copper engraved French map of North America, first edition of 1766. Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane,...
$40.00 CAD
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‘Ancienne Forteresse dans le bois nomme Karaguay’ (Ancient fortress in woods named Karaguay). Tom XVIII...
$400.00 CAD
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Très jolie carte de la France et de Corse. Sur les bords, Chronologie des Rois...
$250.00 CAD
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French map: Carte des États-Unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale, dressée d’après des Cartes Anglaises Par M....
$400.00 CAD
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Imaginary, detailed bird's-eye view of the city, with 36 important locations from the Bible identified...
$65.00 CAD
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‘MAPPE-MONDE Réduite’ sculpté par Blondeau. Provient du livre ‘Atlas Universel pour la Géographie' de William...
$75.00 CAD
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Cartouche has 'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE 1823'. Legend has distances in both English miles and French leagues....
$40.00 CAD
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Map titled: CARTES ...
$60.00 CAD
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Map titled ‘Carte Physique et Politique de l'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE Dressé par L. Dussieux 1856 Gravé par...
$50.00 CAD
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Nice early Vermont almanac with zodiac, daily sunrise/sunsets, towns of the state and their local...