$45.00 CAD
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Fabulous insight into medical knowledge of that time! Pages 161-64 from ‘The Workes of that...
$120.00 CAD
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Quittance sur parchemin de Jean Bochart, conseiller du roi Louis XIV et au parlement de...
$145.00 CAD
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Nice page from a book of the Coat of Arms of the Knights of the...
$750.00 CAD
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Acte sur velin qui nomme un nouveau 'Ayde de Panneterie Commun' à la Maison de...
$450.00 CAD
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One page account of the trial on June 14th 1784 In London England of Sir...
$200.00 CAD
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Sir William Parkins was an English lawyer who was executed for his part in the first...
$100.00 CAD
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Parchemin de Hughes Desnois, fauconnier de Son Altesse Royale, le Duc D’Orléans. Il donne quittance pour son...
$100.00 CAD
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Claude Elzéar Comte de Chatillon, premier Gentilhomme de S.A.R. Monsieur (Philippe de France, Duc d’Orléans),...
$100.00 CAD
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Raimond Arlot, praticien distingué, qui devint par son mérite, premier médecin de Son Altesse Royale...
$50.00 CAD
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Gaspard Wattelin, sieur de Terbist, écuyer, conseiller secrétaire du roi, etc., en la chancellerie de...
$130.00 CAD
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Intéressant lettre de M. Delmert, négociant Nantais. Envoyé aux négociants Rouffio et Romagnac à Montauban....
$92.00 CAD
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1765 lettre de Leopold Alexandre Comte de Wartensleben, général Prussien, à un banquier au sujet d’investissements....
$110.00 CAD
– Sold Out| /
Interesting letter from Mr. Myers, surgeon in Prescot (Lancashire) to the secretary of the Foundling...
$135.00 CAD
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Interesting French document dating to c.1780 summarizing the French fishery in Newfoundland, Grand Banks and...
$130.00 CAD
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Document officiel de 1773 avec les détails des responsabilités et pouvoirs de Nicolas Francois Delervarder/Delerweirder...
$50.00 CAD
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Letter of commendation for Henry Van Royen, student in Leyden (University?). Uncommon document. Ingenuo optimaequo (?)Spei...
$60.00 CAD
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Connaissement pour un voiturier de Lille de livre à l'abbaye Saint-Pierre de Gand quatre pieces...
$750.00 CAD
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June 30 1783 from British Commodore Affleck "in the North River of New York". He...
$300.00 CAD
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Items being sold in the capital city of French Guiana. They are items shipped by...
$250.00 CAD
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Edward Sands, of the Fifth Ward in NYC, is being granted a licence to have...
$100.00 CAD
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1799 letter to John Codman, Boston merchant, from his representative in London UK. Codman’s shipment...
$25.00 CAD
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1799 letter from W. Wyatt in London to Mr. Hearn in Buckingham (Buckinghamshire) regarding bill...
$575.00 CAD
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Payment by Captain Lediard Seymour for three days work by a man and some 'Negroes'...
$85.00 CAD
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1800 letter during Napoleonic times, from Robert J. Montgomery American Consul in Alicante Spain to...