$24.00 CAD
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Propaganda photo by Hans Schaller of a Junkers Ju 86 K in flight.
German printed text on reverse:
"Unsere Luftwaffe – Zweimotoriges Kampfflugzeug Junkers Ju 86 K auf einem Übungsfluge"
"Our air force -"Twin-engine warplane Junker 86 K on a practice flight"
As well on back: "Nachdruck Verboten" ("copying forbidden") and "Echte Fotografie" ("Real Photography").
Aerial view by Hans Schaller.
Back has some paper glued to where photo was mounted in an album.
6 x 9cm
A leading protagonist since the mid-1930s, Berlin's Hans Schaller (1911-1966) helped shape the face of aerial photography in Germany.
In 1933, political propaganda dominated the illustrated articles and publications containing Schaller's photographs. His main area of expertise became gliding, popularly known as "Germany's National Sport".
Major civil and military flight days were taking place at the same time under the shadow of rearmament. He took numerous photos documenting these events and also the promotional activities of the German Aviation Sports Association and the work of the German Research Institute for Aviation in Berlin-Adlershof.
Schaller was drafted into Company 1 of the Luftwaffe as a war correspondent in August 1939 and took part in the French campaign as a photojournalist. Exempted from military service time and again, he worked until the end of the war as a still photographer
The Junkers Ju 86 was a German monoplane bomber and civilian airliner designed in the early 1930s, and employed by both sides during World War II. The civilian model Ju 86B could carry 10 passengers. Two were delivered to Swissair and five to Luft Hansa. In addition a single civilian Ju 86Z was delivered to the Swedish AB Aerotransport.
The Ju 86K was an export model, also built under license in Sweden by Saab as the B 3 with (905 hp) Bristol Mercury XIX radial engines. Several aircraft remained in service with the Swedish Air Force until 1958. A few were converted to SIGINT platforms.
Carte photo propagande d'un avion Junkers Ju 86 K en vol.
Sur le revers, en allemand: "notre armée de l'air - bimoteur avion de guerre Junkers JU 86 K en vol d'entrainment'".
Vue aérienne par Hans Schaller, fameux photographe aérien allemand.
Sur le revers, petites traces de papier, où la photo a été collé dans un album de photos.
Jolie petite carte.
Le Junkers Ju 86 est un monoplan bimoteur à aile basse utilisé notamment par la Lufthansa et l'armée de l'air allemande dans les années 1930-1940. Environ 900 exemplaires de l'appareil seront livrés entre 1936 et 1942, toutes versions civiles et militaires confondues.
Note: The sale of these items in no way supports the actions or philosophies of the Axis powers. I am selling the historical record.
Note: la vente de ces objets n'indique aucun support pour les actes ou philosophies des pouvoirs axis. Je vends le récit historique.