WW1 French art postcard, waiter bringing artillery shell to lady

$17.50 CAD

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Interesting postcard, lady being approached by a black waiter, carrying an artillery shell on a pillow. topped French infantry flag. Her parrot looks on. Woman is scantily clad, 'risque'

Postcard title is "Gift from the 'poilu'' "where 'poilu' is an informal term for a French infantryman, meaning, literally, the hairy one. 

Text on back written by....soldier?

We do not –- until late and all have been inoculated so as to dodge a --- We have also been given live gas masks to  --- and worse luck all my --- is off similar to gainsboro. I could not stand the heat and it got so---
We all went to see some shorts at O O and it was fine. We only do the best and have big dinners and get fit for --- the line.
Le Cadeau du Poilu, par Ribas
Marque L.-E déposé Paris