USA recipe/dieting booklet Pinkham ’s ‘How Phyllis Grew Thin’ c.1920

$12.00 CAD

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Early dieting booklet, with meal plans for breakfast, lunches and dinners along with  list of calories.

Strong promotion of Pinkham’s products, including ‘Vegetable Compound for Women’ , ‘Liver Pills”, ‘Blood Medicine’, etc. Many testimonials…’life was saved..’, “I bless the day..”, “I could not have children. I now have two…”.

Table of height and weights.

How Phyllis GREW THIN
Published by The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. Lynn, Massachusetts USA


Recipes include:

  • Beef Loaf
  • Custard
  • Banana Salad
  • Cream of Asparagus soup
  • Brown Betty

32 pages + covers

Mailing label on front page, pages were sealed with the stamp.

7" x 4 ½"


Lydia Estes Pinkham (February 9, 1819 – May 17, 1883) was an American inventor and marketer of an herbal-alcoholic "women's tonic" for menstrual and menopausal problems, which medical experts dismissed as a quack remedy, but which is still on sale today in a modified form.

It was the aggressive marketing of Pinkham's Vegetable Compound that raised its profile, while also rallying the skeptics. Long, promotional copy would dramatise "women's weakness", "hysteria" and other themes commonly referenced at the time. Pinkham urged women to write to her personally, and she would maintain the correspondence in order to expose the customer to more persuasive claims for the remedy. Clearly the replies were not all written by Pinkham herself, as they continued after her death.