USA photo postcard Blue Wing Hotel, Sonoma CA c.1920

$15.50 CAD

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Early photo postcard of historic Blue Wing Hotel in Sonoma California.

Blue Wing Hotel – where many EARLY Callfornians stayed. Sonoma Calif.

Zan 1079

Message on back “these cards where given to me on my first trip

Undated. Car in photo looks to be 1920s/1930s


Alexander J. "Zan" Stark (1889-1967) was a Michigan-born photographer who moved to San Francisco, California around 1914, where he established a photography and lantern slide business under the name Xan Stark, Alta Studios. Stark moved to Mill Valley in the mid-20s and operated a studio at 324 Miller Avenue. He produced thousands of photographic postcards under the name "Zan of Tamalpais" through early 1950s. Zan photographed extensively throughout Northern California, as well as in Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and elsewhere. Much of his work appears to have been on a promotional basis, capturing roadside attractions, hotels, resorts & restaurants, and natural wonders such as Yosemite and the redwoods.

The Blue Wing Inn in Sonoma, California, was one of the first hotels built in the state north of San Francisco. What began as the first property transfer in the new Pueblo de Sonoma and a simple adobe residence transformed with time and the addition of more rooms into a storied landmark. During the California Gold Rush it was used by miners going to and from the gold fields and by the U.S. Army soldiers stationed in Sonoma. After many years, owners and uses - the Blue Wing Inn was purchased by the State of California in 1968 and is currently under study for its best use as part of Sonoma State Historic Park.


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