Canada Alberta large photo of Calgary stockyards pre-1930

$50.00 CAD

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Nice image of cattle in multiple numbered pens over large area. Couple of men examining cattle lower left. In the background is the Burns packing plant.

In background can see sign:

GAVIN JACK COMMISSION CO. LTD Live Stock Commission Agents and Order Buyers

Another sign:

D.S. McINTOSH Co. Walk-In

Further in background can see advertising sign:

Use BURNS DIGESTER TANKAGE and get results

Written on back “Stock Yards Calgary” and photo # “17629

Little yellowed right side. Crease upper border.

 19 x 24 cm  //   7 ½” x 9 ½”

(Red text is an electronic watermark that is not physically part of the photo for sale)


One of the most prominent stockmen in Canada is Gavin Jack, head of the Gavin Jack Commission Company, Limited, of Calgary. He has been active in this line of business since starting out in life on his own account and his present position of prominence is the result of his own intelligently directed efforts, stanch determination and close application. He was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, on the 16th of April, 1884, engaged in farming for the greater part of his life in his native country, achieving substantial success.… in 1910 he came to Calgary and embarked in business on his own account. He established the Gavin Jack Commission Company; Limited, in that year..The concern is a live stock commission agent and order buyer. The company has grown to be one of the representative enterprises of its kind in the province and throughout the whole of Canada.