1960 aerial photo of oil train derailment near Britt Ontario

$28.50 CAD

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Large aerial photo of locomotive and railcars on their sides, oil tanker cars jumbled together, fire/smoke. Britt is located 90 km South of Sudbury, Northern Ontario.

Copyrighted by Dutch news agency.

Paper with description glued to the back:

spectacualir ongeluk met olietrein
bij Britt, 90 kilometer van Sudbury (Ontario/Canada). is een olietrein van 20 wagens ontspoord en in grand gevlogen.
+++de luchtfoto geeft een beeld van de ontstellende ravage++++

2 aug 60 anp fedn hba 

spectacular accident with oil train
near Britt, 90 miles from Sudbury (Ontario / Canada). an oil train of 20 cars derailed and flown into grand.
+++the aerial photo gives a picture of the appalling destruction+++

Stamped on back ‘Copyright Anpfoto

'Browning' of photo left half. Photo paper is ‘curled’. Some scratches right side of photo, light vertical crease.

18 x 24 cm

(Red text is an electronic watermark that is not physically part of the photo for sale)


The Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau BV (ANP) is the largest news agency in the Netherlands. ANP was founded on 11 December 1934 by the association of Dutch newspapers (NDP). The news agency's founders sought to produce a fast, fair and accurate alternative to the existing commercial news agencies.


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