1942 WW2 ‘The Convoy’ newsletter for Canadian Troops (Dieppe!)

$40.00 CAD

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Scarce newsletter printed in UK with comics, stories, jokes…Also Interesting editorial on the tragic raid on Dieppe France days earlier.

Published by 2nd Canadian Division  Royal Canadian Army Service Corps (R.C.A.S.C.)


Published in the interests of all ranks

2 Cdn Div. R.C.A.S.C., C.A.(A.F.) 

No. 20 'Somewhere in England ' August 1942

Editor F.O. Rogers 

Canadians take the initiative

When the electrifying news flashed across the country that Canadians comprised the majority of the raiding party that landed in Occupied France a few days ago a new sense of warmth crept into the hearts of many of us who were left out of the adventure.

The Canadian army, eating its heart out for action for more than two years has had a taste at last. The knowledge of inevitable losses will be forgotten in the sheer joy of getting to grips with Jerry…..

A raid such as this is also described as the only satisfactory means of testing the enemy’s defences and offensive plans and weapons devised to overcome them…

“Never was blood spilled by braver men in a greater cause. At last the opportunity presented itself and Canadian Forces have added a heroic chapter to the record of Allied valour”

Tear along horizontal fold., almost separating it in two,

4 pages

8 x 6 ½ “


Operation Jubilee or the Dieppe Raid (19 August 1942) was an unsuccessful Allied amphibious attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe in northern France, during the Second World War. Over 6,050 infantry, predominantly Canadian, supported by a regiment of tanks, were put ashore from a naval force operating under protection of Royal Air Force (RAF) fighters.

Within ten hours, 3,623 of the 6,086 men who landed had been killed, wounded, or taken prisoner. The Luftwaffe made a maximum effort against the landing as the RAF had expected, but the RAF lost 106 aircraft (at least 32 to anti-aircraft fire or accidents) against 48 German losses. The Royal Navy lost 33 landing craft and a destroyer.