1934 photo of Canadian two-man canoe team

$10.00 CAD

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German photo, titled on back:

                    Deutscher Sport
                         Bild Nr. 129
                 Der Zweier = Kanadier
 BULGARIA Zigarettenfabrik G.M.B.H. Dresden 


                    German Sport
                     Photo Nr. 129
                The two Canadians
 BULGARIA G.M.B.H. cigarette factory  Dresden 


One of a series of cigarette card photos.

Nice condition

 6-1/4 x 5-1/4 cm.


Following the completion of the railway through the Balkans in the late nineteenth century, Dresden became the main centre of the tobacco industry in Germany. Tobacco grown in the Ottoman Empire could be transported easily across Central Europe and cigarette factories emerged in the country's eastern gateway. Between the 1890s and the Second World War, sixty per cent of all tobacco goods consumed in Germany were produced by Dresden's forty manufacturers.


