1934 Mennonite Family Almanac

$16.00 CAD

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                      Sixty-fifth year of publication
                       Glory to God in the Highest
                               Price 10 cents
Published by the Mennonite Publishing House Scottdale PA


Interesting information on the Mennonite religion in the 1930s.


  • Blizzard Ensilage Cutters
  • Black Face Type Teacher’s Bible
  • Brooks: ‘Stop Your Rupture Worries’
  • Late Dr. Denney’s Gallstone Tablets
  • Allebach and Souder – Souderton Pa.: ‘Plain Clothing for Men and Women’
  • The Hager Store – Lancaster Pa (clothing)
  • Hesston College
  • Prayer Covering Goods
  • Mennonite Publishing House – Scottdale Pa.
  • Eastern Mennonite School
  • B. Ney & Sons Harrisonburg Va.: Mennonite Clothes for Men
  • H. B. Yoder – Lancaster Pa.: ‘Plain Clothing for Men and Women’

Interesting articles:

  • Nature and Her Musicians
  • Saving Our Young People
  • Needs of the Present Hour
  • The Christian Grace of Temperance or Self-Control
  • The Beauty and Sanctity of the Christian Home
  • Recipes: Stewed Prunes, Stewed Raisins, Lemon Pie…
  • Medicine: Poultices, Croup, Poison Ivy
  • Farm: Curtains for Hen House, Sow Tomato Seed in early December …

Daily information for each day of 1934: Sign of zodiac, moon, sun, saints, eclipses, etc.

Names and addresses for Bishops, Ministers and Deacons for Mennonite Church in Africa, Canada and all across USA. List for Amish Mennonite (Conservative), Old Order Mennonites, Amish Mennonites (Old Order), Church of God in Christ Mennonites, Mennonites (Defenseless). Central Conference of Mennonites, Missionaries, Mennonite Brethern Church of North America, etc…

64 pages + covers. 

Hole for putting on nail!

Staining on outside covers, front cover detached with some tears and bits missing, back cover a fragment and detached.

22.5 x 15 cm


Mennonite Publishing House (MC), Scottdale, PA, was the headquarters and chief place of business of the Mennonite Publication Board. It was a church-owned nonprofit institution. Proceeds above expenses and additional capital for expansion went into subsidies for literature and other forms of church work. It dated from 1908, when the Mennonite Publication Board was chartered and made Scottdale its place of business. Three years previously the Gospel Witness Company had been organized and had begun the publication and sale of religious literature. Jacob S. Loucks, Aaron Loucks, and A. D. Martin had an important part in these first steps in the development of a church-owned publishing house. The assets of the Gospel Witness Company were purchased by the Mennonite Publication Board, and the two privately owned buildings which had been used by the Gospel Witness Company were rented until purchased in 1914. Expanding business made it necessary to build a new four-story building in 1921-1922.

Aaron Loucks was the General Manager of the Publishing House from its beginning in 1908 until 1935, when A. J. Metzler became his successor (since called Publishing Agent).

The Mennonite Publishing House was engaged in printing, publishing, and bookselling. It published periodicals (Gospel Herald, Christian Living, Youth's Christian Companion, Words of Cheer, Beams of Light, Christian Ministry, Christian School, El Heraldo, and The Way), tracts, books, and educational materials (Herald Uniform Sunday School Series, Herald Summer Bible School Series). It printed most of its own published materials and did much work for district conferences, institutions, and other organizations of the Mennonite Church (MC), although most of the district conference organs were not published by it. It sold by mail order and through eight retail stores (Scottdale, Lancaster, New Holland, and Souderton, PA; Kitchener and London, ON; Goshen, IN; and Bloomington, Illinois, USA).
