1889 pamphlet Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Syracuse N.Y.

$20.00 CAD

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Interesting pamphlet showing part the culture of the period.

   The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge”

            Semi-Annual Meeting
                         Of the
         Christian Temperance Union
        Of the County of Onendaga N.Y.
                   To be held in the
           11TH Ward, SYRACUSE, N.Y. 
   Friday and Saturday,  June 7th and 8th, 1889


Inside has programme for the meeting, including:

  • Devotional Exercises
  • Department Reports: Social Purity, Liquor Statistics, Parlor Meetings, Press, Young Woman's Work, Unfermented Wine, Prison and Jail, Heredity, Sabbath Schools, etc…
  • Question Box
  • Exercises by the Local Legion
  • Address “Social Purity » by Mrs Mary Weaver, Vice-President of the State W.C.T.U. Batavia

Includes List of Officers, Superintendents, and Directory.

4 pages

Horizontal fold. Couple of small rust spots.

 6 ⅛” x 4 ½”


The Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) is an active international temperance organization that was among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform with a program that "linked the religious and the secular through concerted and far-reaching reform strategies based on applied Christianity." It was influential in the temperance movement, and supported the 18th Amendment.

The WCTU was originally organized on December 23, 1873, in Hillsboro, Ohio, and officially declared at a national convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1874. It operated at an international level and in the context of religion and reform, including missionary work and woman's suffrage. Two years after its founding, the American WCTU sponsored an international conference at which the International Women's Christian Temperance Union was formed. The World's Woman's Christian Temperance Union was founded in 1883 and became the international arm of the organization.