1874 London UK, letter regarding shipping brandy to Brisbane Australia

$26.00 CAD

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Letter from London UK to Bordeaux wine merchant Curcier & Adet with bills of lading for shipment of brandy to Brisbane Australia.

The ship Clara left London on the 9th of November 1874 and arrived in Brisbane on February 25th 1875.

As well as cargo, the Clara carried 'free settlers' to Australia: George R. Rutledge, left England and travelled as a 'free' man to Brisbane to find his fortune. He was aged 20 upon arrival.

5 Gt. Winchester St. Bldgs. Old Broad Street London 
Postal District EC
John & George Brown Queensland
Nov 11 1874
Mssrs Curcier Adet,
Dear Sirs,
I now have the pleasure to hand you B/Ladings freight note & -- of charges on 130 – of Brandy shipped per Clara for Brisbane, which I trust will be found in order.
Yours truly,
John Harris
Harry A. Brown.


Note on back from Curcier & Adet.

Folded in 4

20 x 13 cm (letter panel)


George Harris (1831–1891) was a politician in Queensland, Australia. He was a Member of the Queensland Legislative Council. George Harris was born in 1831 in London, England. His family immigrated to Australia when he was two years old.

George Harris and his brother John Harris arrived in Brisbane in about 1848. They opened a store in South Brisbane and a warehouse and wharf at Short Street. They traded under the name Messrs. J. and G. Harris, merchants.





George R. Rutledge travelled upon the ship Clara, which departed London, England, on the 9th of November 1874, and arrived in Brisbane on the 22nd February 1875. Aged 20 upon arrival


Rutledges of Australia

Volume 4

By Troy Anthony Woolls Rutledge · 2018



Settler Origins

Regardless of the difficulties in getting to Australia, it had become an increasingly popular destination for free settlers. Convicts were no longer the major source of new arrivals to the colonies. With the discovery of gold in 1851 and a booming economy, people were now coming to Victoria and Australia by choice. People came from many countries, the majority from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, America, China and Germany. (For details, see Origins - the First Census.)


Edouard Adet was born in Bordeaux and arrived in Melbourne in the 1850s. He was a partner in the firm of Curcier and Adet, wine merchants and was appointed acting French consul at the end of 1858 on the death of the Conte de Chabrillon, the incumbent. From around 1860 until the 1870s he made his home near the Yarra River at Greenford Cottage in Victoria Street Abbotsford, and here most of his seven children were born.