$18.00 CAD
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Title: ‘I’VE COME TO HELP OUR BELGIAN BOYS’ ‘Au secours de la Belgique.’ Company: Raphael Tuck...
$14.00 CAD
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‘Aérostation Militaire - Le Dirigeable “LE LEBAUDY en pleine exploitation' Oblitération ‘19-10 09’. Taches. Pli...
$9.00 CAD
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Photographie R. Visser. Robert Visser 1860-1937 Ouvriers des plantations avec leurs arrosoirs. Le Congo français...
$15.00 CAD
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TRAIN AT “PORTAGE” PENINSULA LAKE MUSKOKA Photo by AnnaBelle Studio Engine #1. 'The Portage Flyer...
$14.00 CAD
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'Aérostation Militaire – Le Ballon Dirigeable militaire ‘Ville de Paris’ appartient à la Place de...
$12.00 CAD
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Grande semaine d´aviation de la Champagne (Plaine de Betheny) Vue des Hangars – Appareil Antoinette...
$15.00 CAD
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Trois carte postales circulées: Henri Farman battant le record de l’aéroplane (~1909) ROUEN – Grande...
$48.00 CAD
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‘GRANDE QUINZAINE D’AVIATION – LE HAVRE-TROUVILLE-DEAUVILLE’, du 25 aout au 6 septembre 1910. Événement avec...
$70.00 CAD
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Postcard, with plaque with following: ‘No. 2 Platoon – Winners of Inter-Platoon Hockey Cup, Sialkot...
$20.00 CAD
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“Comment voter contre le bolchevisme?” Edité par le GROUPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE DES ARRONDISSEMENTS DE SCEAUX...
$80.00 CAD
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Set of three real photo postcards related to Mexican Revolution. #1 Five Mexican men standing...
$65.00 CAD
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Nice photo postcard with group of Krieger electric automobiles in a garage. Several have chauffeurs...
$22.50 CAD
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Nice early postcard photo of group of girls at an outdoor playground, surrounded by fence...
$60.00 CAD
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Postcard photo from the early years of the Northern Ontario mining silver rush town of...
$65.00 CAD
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Photo postcard of James Robertson chauffeur for Sir Jesse Boots, "Chemists to the Nation", beside a Métallurgique automobile....
$60.00 CAD
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Photo postcard of a young girl at the wheel of a parked Swift automobile two-seater...
$25.00 CAD
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RPPC photo postcard of two derailed railway cars. Labeled “St. Paul Wreck 3 miles South...
$23.00 CAD
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RPPC photo postcard of three men beside loaded horse-drawn wagon of hay. Another man with...
$55.00 CAD
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Photo postcard of a man and woman sitting in a car. African-American chauffeur up front....
$45.00 CAD
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Real photo postcard of Native American women in traditional clothing participating in a dance. Likely...
$45.00 CAD
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Real photo postcard of Native American family in traditional clothing sitting in a horse-drawn wagon....
$45.00 CAD
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Real photo postcard of Native American boys in traditional clothing, preparing for performance at 101 Ranch...
$15.00 CAD
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Real photo postcard with bucolic view of the Humber Valley in Toronto, with Humber River...
$50.00 CAD
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Real photo postcard of cowboy Mike O'Hara riding a bucking bronco "Irrigation Kid" inside stampede...