Patriotic postcard S.S. Modjeska (Canada) 1906

$16.00 CAD

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S.S. Modjeska Toronto to Hamilton

Mailed to U.S.A., cancelled 'Por__ Ontario 06'. Reception postmark 'Cave City Ky'.

Warwick Brothers & Rutter, Ltd #3428.

Corners: creases and some colour missing. Nicks along edges.


SS Modjeska of the Hamilton Steamboat Company was built for service between Hamilton and Toronto in 1889, by Napier, Shanks & Bell, of Dumbarton Scotland. Purchased by the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co. in 1912, she continued to ply the waters of Lake Ontario, under ownership of Canada Steamship Lines until July 1924 when it was involved in a collision in Toronto Harbour. In 1926, the Modjeska was refurbished and sold to the Owen Sound Transportation Co.

Warwick Brothers & Rutter, Ltd., a Toronto-based printing company, is known to have published in the vicinity of 7,500 picture postcards between 1903 and 1912. Warwick produced colour lithographed cards on its own presses in Canada rather than outsourcing that work to printers in Germany or England, as was then the prevailing practice among its Canadian competitors (and among postcard publishers in most other countries as well).

Warwick was the first Canadian firm to enter the field with Canadian-made coloured cards, leading the way in three-colour and four-colour printing processes and making available the highest class of color printing at a popular price.

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