c. 1908 Canada photo postcard Gowganda ON Silver Rush

$70.00 CAD

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Winter photo of Gowganda mining camp during Northern Ontario Silver Rush. Extension of nearby famous Cobalt Silver Rush.

Photo of cabins, men, horse and sleigh on  frozen lake. Possibly MIllaret Mine?

Written on top border “not much to look at, but hundreds of millions worth of silver lies under here."

Two buildings at right ‘EMPLOY--- OFF--’ and ‘Lunch Counter

Written on negative LR ‘GOWGANDA’.

VELOX photographic paper dates it 1907-1911.


The Cobalt story started when contractors McKinley and Darragh discovered silver while working for the T&NO Railroad in 1903. Boom! The mining camp was born.

Then, after the initial flurry of exploration activity in Coleman Township, prospectors spread out to neighbouring regions. Some travelled north along the Montreal River where they found silver near Gowganda Lake.

… [It was] during the summer of 1908 when prospectors following up the Montreal River found silver on the west shore of Gowganda Lake, while at nearly the same time silver-bearing veins were found near Leroy and Miller Lakes, which are 3 miles east of Gowganda Lake.


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