WW1 'The War Illustrated' Vol 97 June 24th 1916

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Magazine jam-packed with photos and news of the War.

The War Illustrated
Vol 4 No. 97
British Heavy Gun Position at Salonika “Laying” the Gun before Firing

The War Illustrated June 24th,1916  
Reg. as a Newspaper & for Canadian Magazine Post
Where Beatty's Guns Re-Echo By Commander Bellairs


  • The Progress of the War…'Heroism of the Canadians at Ypres'...'Russia’s Brilliant Offensive...'Italian Front Relieved' (stories)
  • Mme Joffre At Home; in War-Time (story)
  • Canadians Carry Trenches in Counter-Attack (attractive illustration)
  • With our Photographer in East Africa (photos)
  • Australian Premier Visits Anzacs in France (photos)
  • Women Work with a Will while Men Make War (photos)
  • Lancashires Gallant Attack on Vimy Ridge (illustration)
  • Where Beatty's Guns Re-echo (story)
  • (Centerfold illustration) British torpedo-boat destroyer makes an end of German battleship
  • A weapon of the dark ages – trench mortar (illustration)
  • Soft-hearted fighting men & some of their pets (photos)
  • (Canada) The great Dominion ready for emergencies (photos)
  • Britain's Roll of Honoured Dead (photos)
  • Thrilling charge of the Cossacks (illustration)
  • Our Observations Post

Toning on edges and along inner centre fold.

28 pages

29.50 x 22.50 cm


The War Illustrated was a British war magazine published in London by William Berry (later Viscount Camrose and owner of The Daily Telegraph). It was first released on 22 August 1914, eighteen days after the United Kingdom declared war on Germany, and regular issues continued throughout the First World War.

Subtitled "A Pictorial Record of the Conflict of the Nations", The War Illustrated was at first sensationalistic and patriotic. Although it contained articles, the main focus was on photographs and illustrations, most notably those of Stanley Wood dramatising (or in some cases fabricating) events involving German troops. The magazine became more diligent in properly verifying its reports from 1916 onwards. 

Both versions of The War Illustrated were edited by John Hammerton, who also contributed articles throughout the magazine's run. The magazine contained personal accounts of the war by war correspondents such as Hamilton Fyfe and Luigi Barzini, Sr., descriptions and illustrations of Victoria Cross actions and articles by authors such as H. G. Wells and Winston Churchill. It was extremely popular: at its peak at the end of World War I, The War Illustrated had a circulation of 750,000.


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