WW1 1920 photo wreck British Mark IV tank #4571, captured by Germans

$37.50 CAD

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Picture of a female British Mark IV #4571 tank in a ditch, disabled, tracks off, holes in side.  Painted British identification at front, but also newer re-marked with German ‘Balkenkreuz’ cross.  Above German cross can see painted name ‘Liesel’.

This tank was captured by the Germans in the spring of 1918, and converted for their own use against the allies. This tank was used against French forces at Fort de La Pompelle in June1918.

Written on back ‘Septembre 1920

Paper curved.

8,50 x 11,50 cm

(Red text is an electronic watermark that is not physically part of the photo for sale)


The Mark IV was a British tank of the First World War. Introduced in 1917, it benefited from significant developments of the Mark I tank (the intervening designs being small batches used for training). The main improvements were in armour, the re-siting of the fuel tank and ease of transport. A total of 1,220 Mk IV were built: 420 "Males", 595 "Females" and 205 Tank Tenders (unarmed vehicles used to carry supplies), which made it the most numerous British tank of the war. The Mark IV was first used in mid 1917 at the Battle of Messines Ridge. It remained in British service until the end of the war.


#4571 ‘Liesel’

  • 22-Mar-18 – 5th bttn - With 66th Div. On 22nd 4571 was in action near Roisel for 2 hours, the enemy being closely supported by 2 field guns, and drove 12 miles fired 900 SAA, the tank broke down 95-93
  • 27-May-18 - Beutepanzer, Abt 14, wagon 113 - ditched, later recovered and rallied
  • 01-jun-18 - Beutepanzer, Abt 14, wagon 113 - ditched and abandoned whilst attacking Fort de la Pompelle.
  • Post War - left in situ as a war memorial / tourist



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