Advertising for Banana ice cream, Toronto Canada c. 1950s

$10.00 CAD

– Sold Out

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Eat Ice Cream for Health – City Dairy Quality
    Fresh BANANA Royal Ice Cream Brick
“two layers of rich BANANA ICE CREAM with a centre layer of Strawberry Ice Cream…."
798 Bloor St. W.  LOmbard 2021


Large horizontal tear left edge through 'banana'.  Creases. Paper nicks right edge. 

17.50 x 12.50 cm


City Dairy Company Limited was a dairy company founded by Walter Edward Massey, president of Massey-Harris, to deliver milk in the city of Toronto. The company was the first Canadian dairy to supply pasteurized milk.

The dairy was founded after Massey opened his Dentonia Park farm in 1897 and raised a herd of dairy cattle. The dairy from these cows were sent to a dairy plant at 487 and 563 Spadina Crescent (see Borden Buildings). Massey died in 1901, but the dairy operations continued until it was sold to Borden in 1930 for $7 million. By 1915 City Dairy controlled 40 per cent of the milk market in Toronto.

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