Rome 1864 Catholic certificate, authenticity holy relic : St. Francis of Assisi

$110.00 CAD

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Latin certificate which certifies the authenticity of the attached (missing here) sealed small piece of a Holy relic.

Costantino Patrizi Naro, bishop of  Roman Catholic Suburbicarian Diocese of Porto–Santa Rufina

Episcopus Portuensis Et S. RufinÆ
S R. EcclesiÆ Card. Patrizi
SacrosantÆ Patriarchalis Basilicae liberianae archipresbyter
SSMI DNI NRI PAPÆ Vicarius Generalis
RomanÆ curiÆ Ejusque Districtus Judex Ordinarius etc.
Universis, et singulis praesemtes literas inspecturis fidem facimus, et attestamur, Nos ad majorem Omnipotentis Dei gloriam, suorumque Sanctorum venerationem recognovisse sacras particulas  ex Cilicio st. Francisi Assisi Conf
quas ex authenticis locis extracias reventer collocavimus in ---ovaly ----crystallo------------------
bene clausa, et funiculo serico coloris rubri colligata, ac sigillo nostro signata, easque consignavimus cum facultate apud se retinendi, aliis donandi, extra Urbem transmittendi, et in quacumque Ecclesia, Oratorio, aut Cappella publicae Fidelium venerationi exponendi. In quorum fidem has literas testimoniales manu nostra subscriptas, nostroque sigillo firmatas per infrascriptum Sacrarum Reliquiarum Custodem expediri mandavimus.
Romae ex Ædibus nostris Die 31 Mensis Decembri Anni MDCCCLXIV
----Bray (?)
Joannes Bap(is)ta Petrucci -----


Bishop of Porto and St. Rufina
S. R. EcclesiÆ Card. Patrizi
Archpresbyter of the Sacrosanct Patriarchal Basilica of Liberia
SSMI DNI NRI Pope Vicar General
The ordinary judge of the Roman court and its district, etc.
We give credit to the inspection of the letters presented to each and every one, and we attest that we have recognized the sacred particles for the greater glory of Almighty God and the veneration of his Saints from shirt st. francis assisi
which we have reproduced from authentic sources in --oval-------crystal-----------------
well closed, and tied with a cord of red silk, and sealed with our seal, and we consigned them with the ability to keep them with us, to give them to others, to transmit them outside the city, and to expose them in any church, oratory, or public chapel for the veneration of the faithful. In whose faith we have commanded these letters of testimony, signed by our hand, and sealed with our seal, by the undersigned Custodian of the Holy Relics.
Rome from our house on the 31st of December of the year 1864
----Bray (?)
John Baptist Petrucci -----


Dry seal LL.

Printed on half of a large sheet. Folded horizontally and vertically.

27.5 x 42 cm