1877 two documents wine 2nd Battalion 17th Leicestershire Regt. India

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Two nice documents from the British Raj period in India. Letters from the Mess president Capt. Davern of the 2nd Battalion 17th Leicestershire Regiment. to Bordeaux Wine merchant concerning wine orders for the Officers Mess, Mhow India.

The 2nd Battalion had a very strenuous period of service in India and Burma from 1874, being engaged in the many punitive expeditions and skirmishes against the Burmese.  It returned home in 1890.

5th July 1877

To Messrs. Courcier & Adit Bordeaux
Mhow 5th July 77
Have duly received your invoice. Will you kindly continue to send same order quarterly until further notice but should you consider it inadvisable to forward the Claret at any particular period will you kindly arrange to send it when it would travel without detriment.
Yrs faithfully
G.W. Davern –
2/17th PMC


Inside page, note from wine merchant: “1877 Mess Mhow 5 juillet Mess Committee 2/17th Regt. 30 juillet

Nice embossed purple letterhead with a tiger. Above its head a banner with ‘HINDOSTAR’. Below it, number ‘XVII’ and banner ‘LEICESTERSHIRE’.

Paper watermarked ‘JOYNSON FIRST QUALITY’.

4 pages.

Horizontal folds. Rust spots

18 x 11.50 cm

10th October 1877

The President – Off’rs Mess
2/17th Regt.
Mhow C. I.
Messrs. Courcier and Adet
Wine Merchants
I beg to enclose a cheque on Messrs Cox & Co Craig's Court London for One Hundred pounds (£100) on a/c of wine &c supplied to officers Mess 2/17th Regt. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
G.W. Davern  ---- 
2/17th Regt.
 Mhow C.I.
10th Oct. 77

 Davern, George William:

  • Ensign 13 March 1855
  • Lieutenant 2 October 1855
  • Captain 1 April 1870

Cox & Co. were Army Agents based in London.

Nice embossed blue letterhead,

Inside page, note from wine merchant: “1877 Mess Committee 2/17th Regt. Mhow 19 Octobre 12 Novembre    15”

Paper watermarked ‘JOYNSON FIRST QUALITY’.

4 pages.

Horizontal folds. Rust spots

18 x 11.50 cm


Mhow Cantonment in the Indore district of Madhya Pradesh is one of the oldest Cantonments in India.

The Leicestershire Regiment (Royal Leicestershire Regiment after 1946) was a line infantry regiment of the British Army, with a history going back to 1688. The regiment saw service for three centuries, in numerous wars and conflicts such as both World War I and World War II…



The regiment was awarded the following battle honours:



Namur, 1695, Louisburg, Martinique, 1762, Havannah, Ghuznee, 1839, Khelat, Afghanistan 1839, Sevastopol, Ali Masjid, Afghanistan 1878–79, Defence of Ladysmith, South Africa, 1899–1902