1868 Steamship bill of lading champagne France to Boston via Liverpool

$30.00 CAD

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Shipping on CUNARD LINE

Shipped by L. Luden on steam ship British Queen master Edmund --- from Port of Havre to Liverpool…Seven Hundred and Fifty cases of Champaign (sic) containing together nine thousand bottles….sail for Boston...unto Messrs --- Williams….28th January 1868

British Queen’ built in 1849, owned by MacIver & Co, 1855 transferred to British & Foreign S.N. Co., 1878 transferred to Cunard, 1898 scrapped

Printed on thin pink paper.

Left border frayed.

14.50 x 28 cm.


Cunard Line

Originally, from 1849 the line carried cargos of fruit, wine, and brandy from Marseilles, Tarragona, In 1839, Samuel Cunard was awarded the first British transatlantic steamship mail contract, and the next year formed the British and North American Royal Mail Steam-Packet Company in Glasgow with shipowner Sir George Burns (whose descendants took the title of Lord Inverclyde) together with Robert Napier, the famous Scottish steamship engine designer and builder, to operate the line's four pioneer paddle steamers on the Liverpool–Halifax–Boston route. For most of the next 30 years, Cunard held the Blue Riband for the fastest Atlantic voyage. However, in the 1870s Cunard fell behind its rivals, the White Star Line and the Inman Line. To meet this competition, in 1879 the firm was reorganised as the Cunard Steamship Company, Ltd, to raise capital.