1842 letter French Minister of Navy to Dubois Saligny (Republic Texas)

$110.00 CAD

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Nice pre-statehood letter in French from Admiral Duperré, French Minister of the Marine and Colonies, to Dubois Saligny, the charge d’affaires for Texas currently in New Orleans.

The Admiral received his letter from the 6th of March concerning the trip of the Istanbul from Le Havre to Texas, under Captain Caillou.

He says that thanks to his recommendation, not only was the Captain well received in Galveston, he was able to put an end to the embarrassments which had been caused to him by his passengers(!).

Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies Direction du Personnel
Bureau de l’inscription maritime et de la police de la navigation
Paris le 2 juin 1842
Monsieur, j’ai reçu votre letter en date du 6 mars de cette année relative à l’expédition du navire l’Istanbul, du hâvre, capitaine caillou.
J’ai remarqué que grace à vote recommandation ce navigateur non seulement a été bien accueilli à Galveston, mais encore qu’il a pu mettre un terme à des embarras qui lui avaient été suscités par ses passagers.
Recevez Monsieur avec mon remerciment pour vos bons offices dans cette circonstance, l’assurance de ma considération très distinguée.
Le Ministre Secrétaire d’Etat de la Marine et des Colonies
Amiral Duperré
A M. le charge d’affaires au Texas, en ce moment à la Nouvelle Orléans


4 pages, 1 with test

Folded vertically and horizontally. Paper toned.

12” x ⅞”

Guy-Victor Duperré 

Guy-Victor Duperré (1775–1846) was a French naval officer and Admiral of France.

Duperré famously commanded naval forces in the Mauritius Campaign and was victorious in the Battle of Grand Port, where he was wounded. Later he had a command in the Mediterranean and continued to serve during and after the Bourbon Restoration. He commanded the naval elements of the expeditionary force that carried out the Invasion of Algiers in 1830 and went on to become Minister of the Navy three times.

 ...knight of the Légion d'honneur, Commodore, Baron of the Empire, pair de France, Admiral, chief of the council of the Admiralty...



DUBOIS DE SALIGNY (1809–1888) French diplomat in the Republic of Texas. He entered on a diplomatic career in 1831 and became, successively, secretary of the French legations in Hanover, Greece, and the United States. While at this last post he was instructed by the French government to go to Texas to investigate the conditions and prospects of the new republic. During this mission in the spring of 1839 he visited Galveston, Houston, and the coastal area as far west as Matagorda. His reports to the French foreign minister influenced the French government to recognize Texas in a treaty of friendship, navigation, and commerce…. He was drawn into Texas politics and backed the controversial Franco-Texian Bill, became identified as a supporter of Sam Houston, and was a bitter enemy of the Mirabeau B. Lamar faction.

…Although the French foreign minister criticized Dubois for leaving his post without permission, he stood behind the agent in his quarrel with the Texas government and insisted on receiving an appropriate apology and promises to bring Bullock to trial. Somewhat tardily, Anson Jones, secretary of state in the second Houston administration, fulfilled these requirements and paved the way for Dubois's return to Galveston in April 1842. Dubois resumed cordial relations with the Houston administration, but, his health failing, he departed for France in July.
