1811 Montreal two documents signed Governor Craig and prominent others

$825.00 CAD

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Scarce documents signed by Governor of Lower Canada James Craig, Pierre Panet, judge of Kings Court, and Jacques Saveuse de Beaujeu, protonotary of the court. All three were prominent figures in early 19th century Lower Canada (Quebec).

Documents involve court case of George Spafford Plaintiff VS Anthony Taylor defendant. First is a four-page document, all handwritten. Second is a partially printed document.

#1 Handwritten copy of the contents of the Register of His Majesty’s Court

The Court…condemn the defendant to pay to the said Plaintiff the sum of two pounds four shillings & three pence halfpenny current money…promissory note dated the first day of September one thousand eight hundred & eight, with interest and cost taxed at one pound eighteen shillings & seven pence current money…

I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy….

Saveuse de Beaujeu  Protonotary (signed)

The Honorable Pierre Ls Panet, one of the Justices of His Majestys Court of Kings Bench for the District of Montreal in the Province of Lower Canada….I do certify that Saveuse de Beaujeu Esquire whose name is subscribed to the foregoing certificate is Prothonotary of the said court…full faith and credit are and ought to be given to all copies…hereunto signed my name and caused the seal of said court of Kings Bench to be affixed….Montreal this twenty third day of March one thousand Eight hundred & eleven

P.L. Panet JKB (signed)

His Excellency Sir James Henry Craig, Knight of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath, Captain General  and Governor in Chief in and Over the Province of Lower Canada, Vice Admiral of the Same & & &

To All to Whom these Present may Concern I do hereby certify that the Honorable Pierre Louis Panet is one of the Justices of His Majestys Court of the King’s Bench for the District of Montreal in the Province of Lower Canada… full faith and credit are and ought to be given his signature…Given under my hand and seal at arms ar the Castle of Saint Lewis in the City of Quebec the twenty eight day of March, One thousand Eight Hundred and eleven and in the Fifty first Year of His Majestys reign

J.H Criag (signed)

By His Excellency’s Command ----- (signed)


Two seals, one of Court of Kings Bench, one of Governor. Both complete, but with little detail.

Four horizontal folds, three vertical. Some small tears on folds.

31.5 x 19.5 cm

#2 Printed form Court of Province of Lower Canada District of Montreal

Information on financial judgement registered against defendant Anthony Taylor.

Whereas the Plaintiff hath obtained judgement  in our said Court at Montreal 26th January last against the Defendant for the sum of two pounds four shillings & three pence halfpenny debt with interest from first September 1808 & one pound eighteen shilling & eleven pence..You are Therefore commanded and required by these presents to levy the said debts and costs making together the sum of four pounds two shillings & ten pence halfpenny currency of our said Province together with one shilling & three pence for this writ….

Witness the Honorable P/L/ Panet Esquire one of the judges of our said court at Montreal, this 18th day of February 1811

P.L. Panet JKB (signed) Saveuse de Beaujeu (signed)

Seal of Kings Court at bottom, little detail.

Three vertical folds, three horizontal folds.

20 x 31.5 cm

Governor James Craig

Sir James Henry Craig, officer, colonial administrator (1748-1812). Governor general of the Canadas and administrator of LOWER CANADA from 1807 to 1811, Craig tried to influence the elections of 1809 and 1810, imprisoning without trial leaders of the Parti canadien in March 1810 in what has been called a "reign of terror." Craig, his senior administrators and leading British merchants advocated a variety of ways to eradicate what they viewed as the menaces of democracy and FRENCH CANADIAN NATIONALISM, suggesting union of the Canadas and creation of English counties in the Townships or replacing the Assembly by a primarily British and aristocratic council, abolishing the seigneurial regime, and encouraging immigration from Great Britain and the US, church submission to royal prerogative and control of education. Thus they heightened French Canadian nationalism. Under the threat of war between England and the US, Craig strengthened ties with the natives and reinforced the fortifications of Québec City and the surrounding district.


Pierre-Louis Panet (1761 – 1812) was a Canadian lawyer, notary, seigneur, judge and political figure in Lower Canada.

He was born in Montreal in 1761, the son of Pierre Panet. Panet qualified to practice as a lawyer in 1779 and as a notary in 1780. He practiced as a notary at Montreal from 1781 to 1783 and at Quebec City from 1783 to 1785. In 1781, he purchased the seigneury of Argenteuil. In 1783, he was named French language clerk for the Court of Common Pleas in Quebec district. In 1785, he was appointed clerk in the Prerogative Court. Panet was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada for Cornwallis in 1792 and was elected in Montreal East in 1800. In 1794, he was named clerk for the Court of King’s Bench in Quebec District. He was named judge in the same court for Montreal district in 1795. He sold his property at Argenteuil in 1800 and bought the seigneuries of Ailleboust and Ramezay. In 1801, Panet became an honorary member of the Executive Council serving as judge and executive councillor until his death.


SAVEUSE DE BEAUJEU, JACQUES-PHILIPPE, office holder, seigneur, militia officer, and politician; baptized 5 May 1772 on Île aux Grues, Que., son of Louis Liénard* de Beaujeu de Villemonde and Geneviève Le Moyne de Longueuil; d. 19 June 1832 in Montreal of cholera

Jacques-Philippe Saveuse de Beaujeu belonged to a noble family that had a long military tradition. Jacques-Philippe broke with the family tradition and in 1794 assumed the office of Protonotary of the Court of King's Bench for the district of Montreal.

Saveuse de Beaujeu, who was a captain in Montreal's 2nd Militia Battalion, served during the War of 1812. In 1813 he resigned from his office as protonotary. He was elected to the House of Assembly of Lower Canada for Montreal East in 1814, but he did little more than pass through the assembly, since he left it in February 1816.
